That's better!

This board looks a bit like an A3020 main board, but there are some differences.

For a start, the Econet connection has been removed with a new style of network connector, which was made to take an Ethernet adapter, although there is a type of Econet interface for this machine and the RISC-PC, but they're pretty rare and I haven't got my hands on one yet.

Surface mount rules here, the only DIL chips being the two operating system ROMs containing RISC-OS 3.60.

There is a RAM expansion slot at the front on the left which takes the standard strip of RAM. I can never remember the name for these, it's DIMM or SIMM or LIMM or PIMM or something, but I'm sure you'll know because they have these in PCs nowadays.

There isn't a backplane in this A7000 but there is a connector although it's different from the earlier Archimedes ones.