I have decided to reduce ALMOST ALL BeebShop prices starting in November 2024: everything has gone down except standard length Econet cables & multi-packs, and ribbon cables, which I have had to increase slightly.
Even postage has been reduced! For orders under £25, there is now a charge of £2.50! Buy now before I come to my senses!

Please take a look at the items currently available at the BeebShop below:

Econet Starter Packs 5¼" DSDD Floppy Discs BeebMaster Econet Clock Econet Socket Hub Econet Terminator
BeebMaster Econet Upgrade Kits & Econet Modules Econet Leads Ribbon Cables 8271 Disc Upgrade Kit Ordering Information

Econet Starter Pack

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2 Station Econet Starter Pack

Interface 1:
Interface 2:
Back for 2024 - the BeebMaster Econet Starter pack! Everything you need to create your own Econet from scratch. The 2-station Starter Pack includes:

- Your choice of two Econet interfaces: BBC B Kit or Master Module
- BeebMaster Econet Clock
- 6-Station Econet Socket Hub
- 2 Econet Terminator Boards
- 6-pack Econet Station lead, enough for the Clock, Terminators and Stations

Save over £20 with the 2-station Econet starter pack compared to buying individually!

3 Station Econet Starter Pack

Interface 1:
Interface 2:
Interface 2:
As above, but more saving! The 3-station Starter Pack includes:

- Your choice of three Econet interfaces: BBC B Kit or Master Module
- BeebMaster Econet Clock
- 6-Station Econet Socket Hub
- 2 Econet Terminator Boards
- 7-pack Econet Station lead, enough for the Clock, Terminators and Stations

Start your Econet with 3 stations and save even more!

4 Station Econet Starter Pack

Interface 1:
Interface 2:
Interface 2:
Interface 2:
As above, but even more saving! The 4-station Starter Pack includes:

- Your choice of four Econet interfaces: BBC B Kit or Master Module
- BeebMaster Econet Clock
- 6-Station Econet Socket Hub
- 2 Econet Terminator Boards
- 8-pack Econet Station lead, enough for the Clock, Terminators and Stations

Add 4 stations to your Econet save yet even more!

5¼" DSDD Floppy Discs
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5¼" DSDD Floppy Discs

From £20
These are brand new 5¼" double sided, double density floppy discs, perfect for all your Beebing and gaming needs! The discs are still shrink-wrap sealed in their original 10-packs, with paper sleeves and a page of labels and write protect labels, although the labels have lost their stickiness since these discs were manufactured 30 years ago! Please do take a look here for more information.

BeebMaster Econet Clock
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BeebMaster Econet Clock

It's back! A new batch of 50 Clocks is being made, and you can see all about it by clicking on the picture link to the left!

The issue 2 BeebMaster Econet Clock uses a board designed by Ken Lowe, but based very closely on the original. The Clock comes with its own PSU and 8-page installation instruction booklet which you can also download here.

Econet Socket Hub
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Econet Socket Hub

Expansion Sockets:
Introducing the new 6-Station Econet Socket Hub, with 6 DIN sockets for Econet Stations, and 2 expansion sockets for linking Socket Hubs, adding termination and connecting to existing networks. The expansion sockets may be 2 more DIN sockets or 2 RJ45 sockets. Please click here for more information.

Don't forget your Econet leads!

Please note: whilst the Econet socket hub can be used for all Econet networking, it is not fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi Econet Bridge owing to the RJ45 pinout used by the Pi Econet Bridge. This means that some of the features of the Pi Econet Bridge will be unavailable if using this type of Econet socket hub with a Pi Econet Bridge.

Econet Terminator
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Econet Terminator

The new Econet Terminator is a small PCB with terminating components and a socket for connecting to the 6-Station Hub, or other existing Econet network. The board is available with a DIN or RJ45 socket. Depending on stock availability, boards shipped will either use through hole components or surface mount components. Please click here for more information.

BeebMaster Econet Interfaces

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BeebMaster Econet Upgrade Kit for BBC Model B
Network ROM:
A new December 2023 batch of Econet kits is now available!

Each kit contains:

8 ICs including the 68B54 Advanced Data Link Controller
DNFS 1.20 chip containing NFS 3.60 and DFS 1.20
7 x DIL IC sockets
1 x 5-pin DIN socket
1 x strip of 2x8 jumper pins
7 jumpers
3 capacitors
1 x resistor pack
20 x resistors
1 x Econet station lead

As an optional extra for a small surcharge, a 16K ANFS 4.18 chip can be supplied providing enhanced network facilities in the ROM - please specify using the options above when ordering.

The microchips are supplied in a handy reusable cardboard box and the other components are packaged together with the sets of resistors marked for identification purposes. The 3 capacitors are each different values and should be easily identified from their markings - but please let me know if unsure!

The Econet Upgrade contains over 40 components in total, all needing to be soldered to your BBC Model B motherboard. The upgrade should only be attempted by competent solderers!

The kit comes with a 4-page A5 size printed fitting instructions booklet with a double-sided A4 insert sheet containing two component location diagrams.

Econet Module for Master and Later Acorn Machines
The Master Econet Module returned in October 2022 with a new production run of modules designed by Ken Lowe, and assembled by BeebMaster. This is a direct replacement for the original Acorn ADF10 Econet Module, and the previous BeebMaster Econet Module. This time all the ICs are socketed for easy replacement if ever needed, and the pins on the underside of the board are standard pin header length rather than the elongated versions used on its precessors. The Master Econet Module is suitable for Master 128, Compact, Archimedes 300, 400, 500 Series, A3000, A3020, A4000, and A5000. It's not suitable for RISC PC, A7000 or Acorn A4, which have their own Econet Modules, or A3010 which doesn't have connections for Econet as standard. All 32-bit Acorns have the Econet software built into RISC OS, but an ANFS ROM is needed for Master machines.

Econet Leads

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Econet Lead

These brand-new Econet leads have moulded DIN plugs and are approximately a yard long. Most important of all, they are correctly wired to work with Econet, unlike some DIN leads you might accidentally pick up!

Buy more and save more with the famous five pack, and now the six pack for use with Econet Socket Hubs, and 8-pack for Hub and Clock!

Long Econet Lead

Moulded and correctly wired Econet leads, as above, but a 3-times longer length cable of approximately 9 feet.

Buy more and save more with the famous five pack for your long Econet leads!

Econet Extension Lead

At last, the Econet extension lead! Moulded and correctly wired Econet leads, as above, but with a 5 pin DIN socket at one end and a 5-pin DIN plug at the other, to allow your Econet to reach the parts other networks cannot reach! These extension leads are approximately 8 feet long.

Get a 5 pack and save even more!

Ribbon Cables

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34-way Ribbon Cable
For Floppy Disc Drive or 1MHz Bus

From £7
Cable Length
Back after an absence of quite a few years, you can now get your ribbon cables from BeebMaster again! 34-way ribbon cables are suitable for the floppy disc drive and 1MHz bus ports underneath your Beeb. Choose from the length of cable - or ask for a custom length - and whether you need two female sockets or a male and female for extending an existing cable, or for 5¼" floppy disc drives, or ST506 Winchester control cables, choose Card Edge connector.

Please note: BeebMaster ribbon cables are made to order, so please allow a little extra time for me to get my crimper out!

40-way Ribbon Cable
For Tube (or IDE if you must)

From £8
Cable Length
40-way ribbon cables are suitable for parallel IDE connections or the BBC Tube port Just pick a cable length - or ask for a custom length - and whether you need two female sockets or a male and female for extending an existing cable.

Important! If using these cables to connect a second processor to a BBC, only a short cable length is guaranteed to work with real 1980s hardware. If you're using a modern re-make, like the Pi Tube Direct system, permitted cable length is longer - I've successfully used a 3ft cable with my own Pi Tube without any problems. Remember as well that you must connect the cable to the Pi adapter, and don't plug the Pi straight into the Beeb!

Please note: BeebMaster ribbon cables are made to order, so please allow a little extra time for me to get my crimper out!

8271 Disc Upgrade Kit

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8271 Disc Upgrade Kit

After having said never again in 2014, and despite vowing to never say never again, I never thought I ever would, but in 2019 I found I could so I did. What I am talking about? The BeebMaster 8271 disc interface kit of course, back after five-and-quarter long!

Ordering Information & Special Offers

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I had a wonderful time for 13 years sourcing, making and selling all sorts of upgrades and accessories for the BBC Micro and other Acorn Computers, but at the end of 2016 I had to put it all to a stop.

I wish I could give you facts and figures on how many 8271 kits, BBC B Econet upgrades, BeebMaster Econet Clocks, Econet Modules, Sideways RAM modules or Econet leads I've sold since 2003, but I never kept an accurate record.

In April 2018, after insisting (once again) that there would never be any more BBC Model B Econet kits, I began the hunt for parts once again, and by July 2018 I had enough components to put together 30 kits, with a reasonable degree of certainty that I could do more if they all sold. I allowed a bit of time to fulfil some advance orders and to let some early interest come to fruition, and in September 2018, the remaining kits of July 2018 were listed here. I restored listings of the BeebMaster Econet Clock, BeebMaster Module, and in July 2020, listed the brand-new Econet Socket Hubs and Terminators, plus new options for Econet cables, to finally complete the BeebShop Econet hardware offering, until the original production runs of Clocks and Modules sold out.

In 2019 I thought I'd have a go again at another final (yet again) batch of 8271 upgrade kits, and in November they were ready after 5 years away! Take a look here for more about the making of the kits.

2020 was a bumper year for new ideas, with the Econet Socket Hubs and Terminators, and a supply a 5¼" floppy discs, and new parts for ribbon cables, but it also saw the end after a very long run of the BeebMaster Econet Clock. However, in 2021 the Clock returned in its Issue 2 incarnation seen above, and a new run of Econet Modules followed in 2022.

I'll keep this page here for as long as there is demand for items, and stock available. It could be weeks, months or years - that depends on the 6 billion of you out there; you might also be able to find some BeebShop stock on Sell My Retro here.

Here's a bit of a nostalgic look at some of my bestsellers, the Sideways RAM Module and Disc Power Leads. I've also put my original pages for the first issue of the BeebMaster Econet Clock here.


Ordering from the BeebShop couldn't be simpler! In fact, I've tried to make the whole process so painless that it's a wonder other websites aren't making it this easy too! You don't have to register with me, or subscribe to any monthly newsletters and you don't even have to tell me a whole load of personal information and half of your life history! Let's face it, you don't want to tell me and I don't want to know, so let's skip all that guff and go straight to the Buying bit so everyone's happy!

Yep, all you have to do to buy from the BeebShop is click on the "Put in my BeebBasket" button next to most of the items and then you will be shown the contents of your BeebBasket using a secure Paypal shopping screen. You can then opt to carry on shopping or pay for the items you have chosen via Paypal.

At any time, you can click on the "Look in My BeebBasket" button at the top of this page to see the items you are currently buying, and change quantities or remove anything you don't want.

That's all there is to it! Did I mention that you don't have to register or subscribe for anything or subject yourself to receiving oodles of junk mail from me or buy things you don't want because of a minimum order level or tell me your telephone number or date of birth or annual income?

All prices above exclude postage and packing. Current UK postage rates from November 2024 are:
Orders up to £25: £2.50 P&P
Orders up to £100: £3.75 P&P
Orders above £100: £5.00 P&P
All items are currently being dispatched with Royal Mail second class collection services - please enquire for overseas postage rates.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not offer a same-day dispatch service! Most items will be sent within 2-3 working days of receipt of payment. If the dispatch time is likely to be any longer than this, I will endeavour to notify you.

All items are new unless specifically advertised as used/second hand and all are subject to availability.

Clicking on the "Put in My BeebBasket" buttons will take you to a secure Paypal shopping screen with the current UK postage and packing rate applied. For enquiries about other items, or overseas postage or recorded delivery on items, please contact me at

If you make an order for dispatch to outside the UK without checking on postage first, I will calculate the shipping based on Royal Mail air mail prices and ask you to pay the balance.

I endeavour to respond to all genuine e-mail enquiries as quickly as I can, but I know that sometimes people can have a little bit of difficulty in receiving my reply, so please check your junk mail box before thinking I've been ignoring you!

Updated 1st November 2024