BeebMaster - US BBC Model B

US BBC Model B

The US BBC Model B has the full speech upgrade fitted as standard. In addition to the two speech chips - Texas Instruments Speech Processor and Phrase ROM, the upgrade also includes the addition of card edge connectors to the left of the keyboard for use with serial ROM cartridges, connected to the motherboard via a 10-way ribbon cable which plugs in next to the keyboard connector.

I don't recall my 1990s US Beeb having the speech interface - I had written to Watford Electronics asking for prices for the upgrade kit - and I wouldn't have done this if I already had a Beeb with speech. On the other hand, I may not have known that it was there all along!

This set is a very brief demonstration of me using the Speech interface with my new US Beeb - please click on the picture links above to learn more.

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